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我院名家论坛第 1 期——Product Quality, Search, and Competition in Digital Markets
时间:2024-10-24来源:bet36365路检测中心 作者:点击数:




主讲人:Yongmin ChenUniversity of Colorado Boulder

主持人:王岭 36365线路检测中心

时间20241025日(周下午14:30 - 16:00北京时间



Product Quality, Search, and Competition in

Digital Markets

AbstractThis seminar explores how uncertainty in product quality influences consumer search behavior and competition in digital markets. I focus on three key areas of recent research: (i) the role of platforms in shaping online advertising and search dynamics, (ii) the welfare effects of market entry, and (iii) the impact of quality observability amidst search frictions. I will examine the growing influence of platforms on consumer decisions under quality uncertainty, despite the low search costs in digital environments. I will also discuss why reducing search or entry costs can yield unexpected outcomes for competition and market performance.

[主讲人简介] 陈勇民(Yongmin Chen)是美国科罗拉多大学(University of Colorado Boulder)经济学终身教授和Provost讲席教授。他是一位专长于产业组织学(产业经济学)的著名经济学家,在(动态)价格歧视,纵向合并的竞争效应,产品差异化与价格竞争,知识产权与创新,以及消费者搜索与竞争等领域做出了重要贡献。陈勇民教授2012年以来一直担任RAND Journal of Economics副主编,并曾于2013-2019期间担任International Journal of Industrial Organization主编。